
DescriptionAdd to basketVersion
Current version2 (by negotiation)
Older version(s)1 (by negotiation)
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Data set nameMB korinth_oct2002
  • Marine geology
  • Terrestrial
Parameter groups
  • Gravity, magnetics and bathymetry
  • Terrestrial
Discovery parameterBathymetry and Elevation
GEMET-INSPIRE themesOceanographic geographical features
AbstractMulti beam data at Korinthiakos Gulf acquired with R/V Aegaeo using Seabeam 2120 (20 kHz) and ? Seabeam 1180 (180 kHz) echosounder from several cruises from 2001 to 2004, for the Projects: 1. Array of Sensors for long term Seabed Monitoring of geohazards 2001-2004. (ASSEM – EVK3-2001-00038). 2. Mapping of the Red Mud Deposits in Antikyra Gulf (Gulf of Korinth) (2001). 3. Study for the deployment of a new underwater pipe for the disposal of red mud by Aluminum of Greece SA (PECHINEY), at Antikyra Gulf (2002). 4. Study of the Environmental Conditions of Antikyra Gulf (Korinth Gulf - Greece) for the installation of a sea water cooling system for Aluminum of Greece SA (PECHINEY) (2002). 5. Mapping of the Red Mud Deposits in Antikyra Gulf – Evaluation of mud changes from 2001 mapping (2004). 6. Earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides in the Corinth rift, Greece. A multidisciplinary approach for measuring, modelling and predicting their triggering modes and their effects. (2004-2006) (3HAZ-CORINTH). References: 1. Alexandri M., Nomikou P., Ballas D., Lykousis V., Sakellariou D. 2003. Swath bathymetry map of Gulf of Corinth. Geoph. Res. Abstracts, Vol. 5, 14268, EGS 2003. 2. Alexandri M., Nomikou P., Ballas D., Lykousis V., Sakellariou D. 2003. Swath bathymetry map of Gulf of Corinth. 2nd Worksop Corinth Rift Laboratory, June 3-7, 2003 Aegio, Greece. 3. Lykousis V., Sakellariou D., Alexandri ?., Ettiope G., Rousakis G., Nomikou P., Georgiou P., Ballas D. & Papadopou-los V., 2003. Offshore geological structure and fault activity of Aigion-Trizonia area: preliminary results of the ASSEM project Gulf-of-Corinth-basin-experiment. 2nd Worksop Corinth Rift Laboratory, June 3-7, 2003 Aegio. 4. Sakelariou D., Lykousis V., Kaberi H., Alexandri M., Rousakis G., Nomikou P., Georgiou P., & Ballas D. (2004). Late Quaternary Evolution of the Alkyonides Gulf Basin, Central Greece. Proceedings of 37th CIESM Congress. Vol 37. p.60.
Related EDMED datasetMarine Geology of Corinth Gulf
Data formatClimate and Forecast NetCDF   Version 3.5
Data size 88.000 MB
Data set creation date20220215
GML idmc01
GML objects
korinthiakos_oct2002_1curve no1 from multicurve korinthiakos_oct2002
korinthiakos_oct2002_2curve no2 from multicurve korinthiakos_oct2002
DatumWorld Geodetic System 1984 3D
Measuring area typecurve
Depth referencesea level
Minimum instrument depth (m)71.14
Maximum instrument depth (m)900.01
Sea regions
  • ionian sea
  • mediterranean region
  • mediterranean sea
  • mediterranean sea; eastern basin
Ices areasIonian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea
MSFD areasMediterranean Sea
Start date20021007
Start time18:57:00
End date20021009
End time14:12:00
Instrument/gear category
  • multi-beam echosounders
  • NAVSTAR Global Positioning System receivers
Platform typeresearch vessel
Cruise namekorinth
Alternative cruise namekorinth
Cruise start date20010101
Cruise Summary Report (CSR)MB-KORINTH-OCT2002 - Aegaeo(36AE)
Data originatorHellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography
Data custodianHellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre
How to get data?
Data DistributorHellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre
Database reference
Access/ordering of dataweb data access with registration
Access restrictionby negotiation
Other info
Quality info
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata2008-12-04See the referenced specification
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services2010-12-08See the referenced specification
QI_Horizontal2017-09-21smaller than 20m
QI_Vertical2017-09-21MBES high frequency (larger than 100kHz)
QI_Purpose2017-09-21Bathymetric/morphologic survey
LineageThe data centres apply standard data quality control procedures on all data that the centres manage. Ask the data centre for details.
CDI-record id1275827
CDI-record initial import date2012-05-14 07:27:11.127
CDI-record last update2022-02-16 11:20:45.050
Point of contactHellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre